Ascend to Your Highest Potential with World-Class Test Prep

Bespoke tutoring services originating from Hong Kong's No. 1 Tuition Centre

What we do?

Ascent Prep specialises in preparing students for entrance assessments and interviews required for admission to prestigious boarding schools and universities across Australia, Hong Kong and the UK.


Students admitted to their desired schools


Students see significant improvement after only 8-10 hours of training


Students with offers from Top 5 UK & Top 3 HK Universities

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Ascent Prep Methodology

Experience the incredible journey of our students as they overcome challenges and exceed expectations.

An outstanding 90% of our learners said they were amazed by their improvements within a short time frame.

Subject-Specific Tutors from Oxbridge, G5, and Prestigious Universities
Frequent Mock Tests
1-to-1 Tuition

Flexible & Hassle-Free

Our promise to you is that upon completing the exam preparation, you will possess the confidence to pursue your desired endeavours.

Our high-quality training programs cover every aspect of entrance exam preparation, ensuring that you are fully equipped to tackle a wide range of exams. From comprehensive study materials to expert guidance, our courses are designed to give you the confidence and knowledge needed to excel in any test.

University Admissions Test Prep
  • Academic Exploration
  • Admission Test Preparation
  • Enrichment programme
  • Health Sciences Admissions Enhancement Programme
  • IELTS Preparation Course
  • Interview Training
  • Personal Statement Guidance
  • Portfolio Building
  • School Exploration
  • UCAT / LNAT Admissions Test
Boarding School Admissions and Academic Support
  • Entrance Test Preparation
  • UKiset
  • CAT4
  • Interview Training
  • Profile Building
  • A-Level Booster
  • GCSE Booster
  • EPQ Support
  • ISEB
  • Official AEAS Preparation Course
All Training & Prep Programmes
Hear from our students:

Ascent Prep’s tutor taught me essential knowledge and admission exam skills that are not taught at school.

Becky, Law School Applicant

Before Ascent Prep's UCAT course, I felt overwhelmed by time constraints and unfamiliar questions. Their structured approach, practice materials, and mock exams boosted my time management and problem-solving skills. I highly recommend them for anyone aiming to excel in the UCAT.

Jon, Medical School Applicant

Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Events and Blog Article

Non-JUPAS Admission Guide to HKU and CUHK Medical Schools

18 May 2024
8/F, Chinachem Tower, 34-37 Connaught Road Central, Central
University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Medical Schools are renowned for their rigorous academic standards and clinical training. They have nurtured countless medical professionals in Hong Kong for years and have long been ranked among the top universities internationally. The Non-JUPAS application deadline of Med schools in Hong Kong is usually around mid-November. If you are interested in medicine, sign up for this free seminar now! Our tutor with HKU medical school background and professional education consultant will share their insights in application strategies to help you embark on your medical school journey! Tutor shares preparation strategies to increase admission chances Beata Wong, a professional tutor at Ascent Prep, a personalised tutoring centre under Beacon Group, will share the Non-JUPAS application process and key factors for admission. This includes how to demonstrate your unique qualities and experiences through Personal Statement, how to confidently answer questions in interviews and more. Gain experience directly from our tutor and increase your opportunity in application success! Beata studied high school Hong Kong and A-Level in UK. She obtained excellent results of 4A* and returned to Hong […]

Mock UCAT & Interview Exams Workshop

27 April 2024
8/F, Chinachem Tower, 34-37 Connaught Road Central, Central
Applying medical and dental programs in the UK and Australia is definitely a challenging process. It not only requires excellent academic performance and good interview skills, UCAT (UK) or UCAT ANZ (Australia) result is also required. We have prepared a UCAT mock exam (1 hour) and a 15-minute interview guided by medical tutors for students who intend to apply for medical programs in 2025/2026. Don’t miss the opportunity, register now!
More Events and Workshops
說起英語水平測試,相信大家最耳熟能詳的有IELTS、TOEFL、TOEIC等。但如果有意讓小朋友到澳洲升學,就必須要了解與「AEAS考試」相關的事宜。 關於AEAS  AEAS是專為打算到澳洲修讀中小學的海外學生而設計的綜合測驗。自 1985 年以來,AEAS 一直是評估國際學生水平的標準,在澳洲墨爾本、中國北京和香港均設有分部。 AEAS提供一系列服務,包括考試、模擬考試、備試課程、市場營銷和各種與應試相關的活動。近 40 年來,AEAS憑藉可靠、準確、有效和嚴密的現場考試服務,贏得了澳洲各學校的信賴,致力為應考學生提供高品質的評估體驗。 AEAS與所有利益相關者 (學校、教育機構、政府、家庭和學生) 建立了牢固的合作關係,共同促進國際教育的發展。 為什麼要考AEAS? 什麼時候考?  注意:學生於三個月內不可重考 AEAS 教育評審測驗的範圍包括 學生將根據他們的年齡及報讀年級進行測驗,例如現正修讀Year 9的學生,將參加Years 10-12的英語測驗;而準備申請明年Year 10的學生,將參加Year 10的數學和綜合能力測驗。AEAS考試不設「Pass or Fail」的評分結果,旨在準確地反映學生能否應付全英語學習環境的能力。 英語水平 考試內容 - 準備報讀Years 10-12 考試內容 - 準備報讀Years 7-9(形式與Years 10-12相近) 考試內容 - 準備報讀Years 4-6 (形式與Years 7-9相近) 數學推理能力 測驗以選擇題形式進行,需時45分鐘。考卷根據不同年級而設,旨在評估學生的數學推理能力。 測驗期間,學生可使用計算機和印刷版字典,現場嚴禁使用手提電話及其他電子設備。(註:計算機和字典不適用於英語水平測驗,故學生必須將這些物品存放於考試場外。) 非文字綜合能力 測驗以選擇題形式進行,測驗需時30分鐘,旨在評估學生的綜合能力水平,測驗分數準確地反映學生的智力水平。 報名手績 除了澳洲,AEAS評審測驗已於全球超過25個國家舉行,包括中國、香港、印尼、日  本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、泰國和越南等地。測驗中心名單詳見。 考試當日應備物品 AEAS評估報告 AEAS教育評審測驗報告提供以下資料: 學校在審批申請時,將參考報告提供的英語先修課程建議指引,以擬定學生的入學日期,以便他們有充足的時間來強化英語能力,順利融入英語學習環境。校方亦可要求學生在開課前重考,確保他們已達標。 AEAS教育評審測驗報告由AEAS澳洲總辦事處撰寫後發送給: AEAS教育評審測驗報告有效地提供以下優點: 不同學校對英語水平的要求 延伸閱讀: 【英國寄宿中學】UKiset & CAT4 考試全攻略 提升獲牛津、劍橋及G5大學錄取機會的關鍵 香港學生赴英攻讀法律學位指南
【英國寄宿中學】UKiset & CAT4 考試全攻略
英國入學考試是申請英國寄宿學校的第一步,UKiset和CAT4等入學考試則是大家經常聽到的測驗。然而,兩者有什麼分別?學生又是否必需報考這兩個考試?以下是這兩個考試的詳細介紹。 UKiset UKiset (UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test) ,是英國私立寄宿學校專為9至18歲的海外學生而設計的入學測試,主要用來評估申請人的英語水平和學術能力。 目前有過百所英國私立學校將UKiset作為篩選學生 (pre- screening)的首要標準,並作為學生申請英國寄宿學校的第一關。部份寄宿學校甚至會因申請人的UKiset成績優異而直接取錄,豁免入學試 (CAT4)及面試的入學要求。 UKiset是一個約2至2.5小時的電腦測試,成績有效期為一年,主要分為三個部分: 測試 考試內容 限時 Reasoning(推理)  ·       文字邏輯推理·       圖表推理·       數字推理  90分鐘 Cambridge English Test (劍橋英語考試)  ·       閱讀·       聆聽·       英語運用 (詞彙、拼寫及語法)  30分鐘 English Essay Writing (英文寫作)  評估學生的書面英語表達和語文技巧的能力,字數要求根據年齡而有所不同:9-11歲:最少100-150字12-15歲:最少200-250字16-18歲:最少300-350字  30分鐘 UKiset成績計算方式 UKiset與其他考試有所不同,考試題目會根據學生答題的準確度進行調整。舉例,如果學生持續答對題目,後續題目會變得更難,相應地分數也會較高。 UKiset注意事項 CAT4 CAT4(Cognitive Abilities Test)入學試是大部分英國學校的指定入學試,包括寄宿學校、私立學校和部分公立學校,主要針對6至17歲的學生,用於評估學生的認知能力、思考能力和學習潛力。 測試內容主要分為四個範疇:語言測試(Verbal Reasoning)、數學測試(Quantitative Reasoning)、非語言測試(Non-Verbal Reasoning)和空間推理測試(Spatial Reasoning)。題目會以選擇題形式呈現,有關詳細的測試內容可以參考以下資訊: 測試內容 考試內容 限時 語言測試(Verbal Reasoning)   評估語言和文字方面的能力·      詞彙理解·      同義詞·      反義詞·      關聯詞 45分鐘 數學測試(Quantitative Reasoning)  數學和數量推理方面的能力·      數字操作·      數學問題·      數量關係 45分鐘 非語言測試(Non-Verbal Reasoning)  圖像和圖形推理方面的能力·      圖像和圖形推理·      圖形類比、模式識別、空間關係 45分鐘 空間推理測試(Spatial Reasoning)  空間感知和推理方面的能力·      圖像旋轉·      圖像組合·      圖像投影 45分鐘 CAT4注意事項 CAT4模擬試題 語言測試(Verbal Reasoning) 數學測試(Quantitative Reasoning) 非語言測試(Non-Verbal Reasoning) 空間推理測試(Spatial Reasoning) 延伸閱讀: 提升獲牛津、劍橋及G5大學錄取機會的關鍵 香港學生赴英攻讀法律學位指南 【英國 Health Science】實習對申請的重要性
以下是Oxbridge過往的面試問題,您知道答案嗎? “Why do many animals have stripes?” “Do bankers deserve the pay they receive?”“How important is social interaction in language acquisition?” “Is it ever morally right to kill someone?” 沒有額外的學術課堂加以鍛鍊,一般都很難回答牛劍的面試問題。 要獲得牛津、劍橋及其他英國G5大學的錄取,發展獨特的思維模式至關重要。如果沒有事先接觸這些充滿挑戰性的面試問題,您可能會感到困惑。在這種情況下,Knowledge Building便能派上用場,這種方法能夠加深和擴充與學科相關的知識,為有志之士提供競爭優勢。 Ascent Prep 的 Knowledge Building 三大優勢 1. 訓練學生牛津、劍橋的思維模式 牛劍的面試問題艱深,不會問學生已理解的知識,而是需要學生利用既有知識推敲答案。牛劍重視學生的思路軌跡和思考過程,而並非具體答案。Knowledge Building 所學就是超越中學程度的super-curricular,將會在牛津、劍橋,或是其他G5大學的面試中大派用場。 2. 協助學生選擇合適學科 大學開辦的學科如法律系、物理治療、醫科、工程學等等,大多數學生都未曾在中學階段時有所接觸,因此未必真的了解這些科目到底是學什麼、會否適合自己。 舉例,如果數學成績出眾,應該報讀牛劍的數學系還是物理系呢?Knowledge Building 可協助您深入了解各個學科的知識層面,助您精準確立大學選科目標。 3. 協助學生撰寫深入探討學術議題的Personal Statement 一般學生會在 Personal Statement 解釋為什麼喜歡所選的學科、有什麼過人之處等,但牛劍或其他G5大學不僅僅要求這些,而是期望學生能帶出與學科相關、強烈深入、並具個人見解的學術探討,需要閱讀學術書籍及資料搜集配合完成,而這些正正能從Knowledge Building中,掌握相關主題與學術概念。 Knowledge Building 如何提升面試質素? 以下挑選了兩條過往牛劍的面試問題,由Ascent Prep牛劍背景的導師示範建議答案,以供參考。 Question 1: Do bankers deserve the pay they receive? Suggested Answer Approach: A simple answer might be that since banks are generally private firms and workers are free to work where they wish, then the pay they receive is just the outcome of a competitive labour market. In this story, bankers earn a lot because they are very skilled and have rare talents. It is hard to see a reason for government intervention in this case – though on equity grounds one may want to have a progressive income tax system that redistributes some of this income. Note: A good candidate would wonder why it is that seemingly equivalently talented people can get paid so much more in banking than in other occupations. Do we really […]
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Ready to Hear Success Stories? See Why Ascent Prep is a Student Favourite!

Find out what our customers say ...
Jessie C.
Desire Subject Physiotherapy
Programme Medicine and Allied Health Professions Admissions Preparation Course
Hours Attended 20

From a young age, Jessie was passionate about sports, especially football and competitive jump roping. An injury during a jump roping competition that required physical therapy piqued her interest in the profession. Jessie chose Biology and Chemistry as her subjects, and her predicted DSE scores met the entry requirements. However, she had doubts about her suitability due to her petite stature and introverted nature, fearing these could be obstacles to becoming a physical therapist. Despite Jessie's excellent grades, her father was also concerned about her career choice, worrying that Jessie was blindly following a trend without truly considering her interests and abilities, as choosing this field would mean committing to a career as a physical therapist.

Our education consultant recommended the shadowing program by Ascent Prep, the only official preparation program recognized by AEAS, offering students clinical internship experiences and professional mentorship. Seeing it as an opportunity to resolve her doubts and increase her chances of being admitted to higher-ranking universities, her father enrolled her in the program.

During the shadowing process, she gained in-depth knowledge of a physical therapist's daily duties, including assessing patients, developing treatment plans, and guiding patients through rehabilitation exercises. Though challenging, she found the work meaningful. Throughout this period, Jessie had the opportunity to ask many questions, particularly about her concerns. After completing the shadowing program, her determination to become a physical therapist was strengthened.

When preparing her personal statement, Jessie tried writing it herself but felt it lacked persuasiveness. With her tutor's guidance, she realized many areas needed improvement. The tutor helped her reorganize her experiences volunteering in physical therapy, highlighting her passion and dedication to the field. During interview training, she learned how to showcase her strengths and effectively answer the interviewer's questions. For example, Ascent Prep tutors taught students how to answer common situational questions, such as:

  • What do you think are the basic professional ethics for a physical therapist?
  • How do you view the relationship between physical therapists and their patients?
  • How would you handle conflicts of interest with patients?

Ascent Prep tutors prepared students for these ethical questions and situational challenges to test their problem-solving abilities, such as:

  • How would you deal with a patient unwilling to cooperate with treatment?
  • How would you respond to an emergency during treatment?
  • How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals?

Ultimately, with Ascent Prep's assistance, Jessie was accepted into the Physical Therapy program at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and also received offers from the University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, Brunel University, and the University of Salford in the UK. Among these options, she chose the University of Birmingham and was awarded a scholarship for her outstanding performance.

This journey highlights the value of Ascent Prep, offering practical clinical experiences and professional guidance, enabling students to not only improve academically but also to find their direction in their future career paths.

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Sophie F.
Desire Subject Architecture
Programme Portfolio Guidance
Hours Attended 10

Sophie is a high school student from Hong Kong who has been passionate about architecture since she was young. She excelled academically and actively participated in various architecture-related activities, such as architectural model competitions and visits. However, as the time for further education approached, Sophie began to feel somewhat lost, due to her very high standards for herself. She knew that to gain admission into architecture programs at prestigious universities like Cambridge or UCL, she needed not only excellent academic grades but also well-rounded abilities and creativity.

By chance, Sophie attended a lecture by Ascent Prep, where the instructors shared their experiences in helping students gain admission to top universities. Ascent Prep introduced her to a mentor who was studying architecture at Cambridge. The mentorship and classes were designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encouraged Sophie to think critically about the core of architectural studies, enriching her personal statement with diverse elements. In these classes, Sophie learned about architectural history, theory, and design. Her tutor explained complex concepts in an engaging way, making it easy for Sophie to understand.

For instance, during a mock interview, Sophie encountered a challenging question: "What do you think are the professional ethics of an architect?" She had never considered this question before, but with her tutor's guidance, she was able to articulate a well-thought-out answer, boosting her confidence for the actual interview.

The art portfolio is a critical component of university applications, and Sophie's tutor helped her create a portfolio that was both deep and creative. The tutor meticulously guided her through the selection and arrangement of her works, covering her academic research, practical experience, and personal interests. Under the tutor's guidance, Sophie revised her portfolio multiple times, resulting in an impressive collection of work.

Sophie's efforts were rewarded when she was accepted into the Architecture program at the University of Cambridge. Her portfolio showcased her unique understanding of architecture, including a sustainable design proposal that received high praise from her tutor. Moreover, Sophie performed excellently in her university interviews, demonstrating her academic abilities and personal charm.

Sophie's success story is a testament to the effectiveness of the Ascent Prep program, which is dedicated to helping students realize their potential and achieve success in their educational pursuits.

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Andy M.
Desire Subject AEAS
Programme Official AEAS Test Preparation Course
Hours Attended 30

Andy attended a local Hong Kong secondary school. Despite having average grades at school, he has always been afraid of English, to the point of hesitating to speak it. Andy is a typical slow starter; when under pressure, he easily feels overwhelmed. This became even more evident after he took the AEAS test unprepared, resulting in scores far below expectations. The AEAS report recommended Andy to undertake an English course for 20-30 weeks, and the substantial cost of attending a 30-week language course in Australia, including tuition, accommodation, and student insurance, caused considerable concern for his parents. Not only were they considering the dual factors of time and finances, but they also hoped that Andy could have more opportunities to apply to his desired schools. That's when they found us, the only official preparatory course institution recognized by AEAS. In the 1-on-1 courses at Ascent Prep, students receive meticulous instruction from teachers and consultants, improving their English skills and gradually overcoming their fear of English. To the parents' surprise, the child performed excellently in the AEAS test. By achieving good results in Hong Kong, the AEAS report reduced the required language class from 30 weeks to just 4 weeks before entering mainstream schools in Australia. This not only saved money but also allowed the child to integrate into the Australian mainstream education system sooner.

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Frequently asked questions

At Ascent Prep, we understand that every student learns differently. We offer mostly 1-to-1 learning to best accommodate your individual needs, as it allows us to fully customise your learning experience. We can focus on your specific needs and goals, whether it's exam preparation, boosting subject comprehension, or developing your study skills. This personalised approach allows our tutors to tailor lessons to your individual strengths and weaknesses, maximising your learning gains.

In some cases, students may benefit from having a fellow classmate to bounce ideas off and inspire each other while working towards shared goals. Therefore, students of similar ability are welcome to join us as a small group and enjoy a discount.

All of our tutors are highly qualified individuals with experience in helping students succeed, especially for applications to Oxbridge and G5 universities.

Education: Our tutors are graduated from Oxford, Cambridge, or other prestigious G5 universities.
Experience: The vast majority are graduates with tutoring experience and a proven track record of helping students reach top universities.
Expertise: They are subject matter experts in their fields.
Passion: They are passionate about education and helping students achieve their goals.
Training: All tutors receive ongoing training with us.

We have a rigorous selection process that ensures only the top 12% of applicants join our tutor team. In addition, Ascent Prep's consultants also have many years of experience in overseas education planning, providing comprehensive support for students through a two-pronged approach.

At Ascent Prep, our programmes are entirely tailored to the individual needs of each student. We do not offer bundled packages, but instead provide single-item charged courses based on the student's actual situation. Typically, the duration of each program ranges from 6-20 hours. This will vary depending on several factors, including:

Student's Current Ability: We assess your academic strengths and weaknesses to craft a program that bridges any gaps and maximises your potential.
Year of Entry: Whether you're applying this year or planning ahead, we'll create a timeline that ensures you're fully prepared for the admissions process.
Program of Choice: Different programs may have specific requirements or entrance exams. We'll customise your program to address these needs effectively.

We ensure students get the focused guidance and support they need in order to succeed, without spending unnecessary time on areas they have already mastered.

Many of our courses involve pre- and post-course mocks, homework assessments, or in-lesson practice tests. The exact method of measuring progress will vary depending on the specific course. Results of such tests will be shared with parents upon request, or routinely via the consultant.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns at any time during the course, please do not hesitate to speak to your consultant or our receptionist. We will be happy to coordinate with the tutor to resolve them.

  • Assess: We start with a consultation where we'll speak with you and your child to learn about your goals, assess your child’s needs, and recommend a customised program to help.
  • Match: After getting to know your child during the consultation, we meticulously match a tutor according to details such as personality, interests, current curriculum and related experience.
  • Tutor: Personalised tutoring involves a custom program designed for each specific student.
  • Support: We’re with you every step of the way. We make sure to follow up on our services, keeping your family in the loop and checking in with regular session reports on how your child is doing.

Every student benefits from one-to-one attention and a curriculum tailor-made for their education level.

Member of Beacon Group
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