LNAT (National Law Admissions Test) is the entry requirement for admission to law schools, how can candidates pass it with 27 score and secure the "admission ticket"?
Ascent Prep is a specialised tutoring institution that has helped numerous students achieve satisfying LNAT scores and successfully obtain their desired law degrees. During the webinar, we will provide candidates with a comprehensive overview of the important LNAT dates, score requirements of G5 universities, sharing question types and preparation tips for LNAT. Join our seminar on August 21 (Wednesday) from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM, where we will assist candidates in securing their admission tickets to UK G5 law schools, paving your way to success!
Planning to study at a UK law school in 2025? Complete your LNAT this year
Since the LNAT can only be taken once a year and the results are valid for just one year. Therefore, it's essential to understand the LNAT rules and strategies if you want to apply to one of the top UK law schools.
Registration for the LNAT will open on 1 August 2024, and the exam usually takes place from September to January. It is important to note that different universities have varying deadlines for LNAT. For example, the law programmes at Oxford and Cambridge require candidates to complete their LNAT by October 15, so candidates should check the specific admissions arrangements regarding the LNAT for your preferred university!
Well-Prepared for LNAT! Master the Strategies for Exam Success
The LNAT is a computer-based examination with two main sections: Section A focuses on reading comprehension, which requires candidates to read 12 articles in 95 minutes and answer 42 multiple-choice questions. Section B is an essay writing examination, requiring candidates to complete an essay on one of three essay topics within 40 minutes.
Ascent Prep, an overseas Specialized Tutoring Institution under Beacon College, will provide in-depth analyses of the various question types in the LNAT exam, and share problem-solving methods to help students achieve high scores in the upcoming exams.
Seminar Highlights
- Key LNAT registration dates
- Score requirements from UK Law school
- Admission keys for Oxford, Cambridge, and G5 law schools
- Strategies to ensure success on the LNAT
- Overview of the two main sections of the LNAT
- Analysis of common question types on the LNAT
- Insights on career paths for law school graduates
Ascent Prep Student Achievements
- Average LNAT score of 27, surpassing the average admission score of 26 for G5 law degree programmes
- 85% of our students received admission offers to G5 law degree programs
- 100% of our students were offered an interview from the University of Cambridge
Seminar Details
- Date: 21 August 2024 (Wednesday)
- Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
- Location: Zoom Webinar
- Speaker: Ascent Prep Head of Operations - Iris