【英國醫科】 Medicine 全攻略



英國醫學士課程主要授予的學位名銜為MBBS,「醫學士外科學士」(Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)。然而,依據不同英國醫學院的課程設計,不同的學位名稱如下:

  • MBChB:University of Aberdeen, University of Bristol, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh,等13所醫學院
  • MBBCh:Cardiff University及Swansea University 2所醫學院
  • MBBChir:University of Cambridge醫學院
  • BMBS:University of Nottingham, Brighton-Sussex, Peninsula等3所醫學院
  • BM:University of Southampton醫學院

大部分英國醫學士課程為期五年,除了部分醫學院採取六年制度(例如G5大學University of Cambridge、University of Oxford、Imperial College London等,或蘇格蘭醫學院如University of Edinburgh等)。

英國醫學院的課程設計嚴密,以「先奠基、後實踐」的模式進行教學。在為期 5-6 年的醫學士課程中,首 2-3 年為「基礎理論期」,主要通過大課 (Lectures) 及小組研習 (Tutorials) 向學生傳授生物醫學、解剖學、藥理學等基本知識,以及醫學專業術語。同時會安排學生參觀大學鄰近的醫院病房和急症室,亦幫助學生初步了解醫院的日常運作。

從第 3-4 學年起,學生會接受進階的醫學理論課程,學習病理學、血液學、臨床醫藥學等知識。除了專科教學,學生也開始接觸及討論臨床案例,然後獲安排到醫院進行短期醫科實習。了解醫生的職責及日常工作:檢查病人、查看病歷、處方藥物、執行診斷測試、與病人講解及商討治療方案、記錄病人的醫療資料和病歷、及按需要轉介病人到其他專科醫生作進一步的診斷或治療等。



學生想報讀英國醫學士課程,可通過英國大學聯招系統UCAS,或以直接報名 (Direct Apply) 的途徑遞交申請。此外,學生必須符合以下條件,才能申請英國醫學院。



生物、化學、數學 (可只有生物或化學一科,但會大幅局限可報讀的英國醫學院選擇)
選修科555(建議生物、化學及物理), 核心科目不低於4
36 points或以上(需要2科Higher Level為科學學科)


報讀英國醫學士課程,幾乎所有醫學院都需要同學提前報考醫科入學試,對於大學一年級直接入學的醫學士課程,英國醫學院主要採用 UCAT 考試,作為醫科申請的重要評核。

UCAT 每年只能考一次,成績有效期只維持一年。因此,如想申請指定的英國醫學院,就必須提前了解考試模式及做好應試預備。

UCAT(The University Clinical Aptitude Test)

UCAT 是一個電腦考試,題目設計是為了測試學生文字數理分析能力和評估其特定情境的心理質素,是英國大部分醫學院為申請人設立的能力傾向測試。每年6月初,UCAT考試中心會接受應屆申請人的註冊,整個考試期橫跨7月至10月。


1. 語言推理(Verbal Reasoning):
2. 決策分析(Decision Making):
3. 數量推理(Quantitative Reasoning) :
4. 抽象歸納(Abstract Reasoning) :
5. 情境判斷(Situation Judgement) :


University of Aberdeen 
Anglia Ruskin University
Aston University
Bangor University
University of Birmingham
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
University of Bristol
Brunel University London
University of Cambridge
Cardiff University 
University of Central Lancashire
University of Chester
University of Dundee 
University of East Anglia 
Edge Hill University
University of Edinburgh 
University of Exeter 
University of Glasgow 
Hull York Medical School 
Imperial College London
Keele University 
Kent and Medway Medical School
King's College London 
Lancaster University
University of Leeds
University of Leicester 
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester 
University of Newcastle 
University of Nottingham 
University of Oxford
Plymouth University 
Queen Mary University of London 
Queen's University Belfast 
University of Sheffield 
University of Southampton 
University of St Andrews 
St George's, University of London 
University of Sunderland
University of Surrey
Swansea University
University College London
University of Warwick 
University of Worcester

UCAT 考試中,學生需要在短短2小時完成共五部分的電腦考試。在評分標準上,UCAT 前四部分各因應答題正確數量評為300-900分,總分為3600分。只有第五部分情境判斷以Band作為評分級別,從Band 1 最佳 到 Band 4 最差。

依據過往UCAT考生表現評估,第一至四部分的成績中位數每年不同,大致保持在620-630之間,以申請2022入學年的考生為例,中位數為628。一般而言,650或以上為良好表現,但由於國際生名額競爭激烈,英國醫學院及牙醫學院一般視680或以上為高分標準。另外在第五部分的情境判斷, 大多學院要求學生有Band1-Band2表現,才會給予面試機會。

UCAT 分數絕對影響學生會否獲取面試的機會。Queen Mary 大學的醫學院在英國享譽甚高,在入學條件上,UCAT是必要文件。在面試篩選的環節,校方明確指明UCAT分數在面試遴選中佔50%,以往能獲面試以及offer的學生大多在各部分考獲高於中位數的700分或以上,第五部分更是Band1或2。可見,僅僅達標的分數,是不足以爭取踏入醫學院的門檻。




  • 群體面試(Panel Interview)
  • 小組面試(Group Interview)
  • 多個小型面試 (Multiple Mini Interview- MMI)



  • Ethical Dilemmas 道德困境站
  • Prioritisation 優先排序站
  • Teamwork 團隊合作站
  • Critical Thinking 批判思維站
  • Professional Judgement 專業判斷站
  • Communication 溝通技巧站
  • Role-Play 角色扮演站
  • Character Development 個人特質站

學生若有意申請以下大學的醫學士課程, MMI面試將是不可避免的難關步驟:

  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Brighton & Sussex
  • University of Bristol
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Hull York
  • Keele University
  • King‘s College London
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester
  • Newcastle University
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Queens, Belfast 
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of St Andrews
  • St Georges, University of London
  • University of East Anglia (Norwich)
  • University of Warwick


若無一個公正透明的面試環節,收生官則難以分辨學生的習醫動機,或判斷其是否具備當醫生所不可或缺的專業素養與特質,例如良好的溝通技巧、同理心、尊重他人、利他主義等 。因此,英國的醫學院在選擇學生時,除了評量他們的學業表現外, 還要評量他們在學業以外其他性格能力的表現。




另外,UCAS也對醫科課程申請有特別規定——UCAS可以最多報讀五所大學的課程,但不允許學生申請多於四間提供醫學士課程的大學。在第五個選擇上,學生需要選取非醫學士課程的科目,例如學生可以選擇與醫科medicine有關的生物醫藥(Biomedical Science) 、生物化學(Biochemistry)、藥理學(Pharmacy)等,而個別較進取的學生會嘗試物理治療、職業治療等健康科學類課程。


英國大部分醫學院需要透過UCAS作出申請。然而,個別的英國醫學院會接受國際學生透過直接申請(Direct Application)的方式報名,為未趕及在UCAS截止日期遞交申請的學生提供途徑,也為已報名UCAS的學生增加額外的醫學院取錄機會。而接受「直接申請」的大學包括 University of Buckingham、Brunel University London、University of Central Lancashire(UCLan)這三所。

此外,近年有部分英國醫學院採用新式課程架構,學生的理論課程在英國院校完成,然後轉到大學與外國合辦的醫院實習,例如University of Aberdeen醫科學生完成首3年的理論課後,會轉到大學於外地的合作醫院進行實習;同時也有個別英國大學會於海外開設以其名下的醫學院,例如Queen Mary University 便在在歐洲島國馬爾他(Malta)開設醫學院分校。




【申請G5大學】- 如何以 Personal Statement 在 G5大學申請先拔頭籌

【澳洲獸醫】獸醫全攻略 2023

【英國G5大學】 : G5大學及專科申請全攻略

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Ready to Hear Success Stories? See Why Ascent Prep is a Student Favourite!

Find out what our customers say ...
Jessie C.
Desire Subject Physiotherapy
Programme Medicine and Allied Health Professions Admissions Preparation Course
Hours Attended 20

From a young age, Jessie was passionate about sports, especially football and competitive jump roping. An injury during a jump roping competition that required physical therapy piqued her interest in the profession. Jessie chose Biology and Chemistry as her subjects, and her predicted DSE scores met the entry requirements. However, she had doubts about her suitability due to her petite stature and introverted nature, fearing these could be obstacles to becoming a physical therapist. Despite Jessie's excellent grades, her father was also concerned about her career choice, worrying that Jessie was blindly following a trend without truly considering her interests and abilities, as choosing this field would mean committing to a career as a physical therapist.

Our education consultant recommended the shadowing program by Ascent Prep, the only official preparation program recognized by AEAS, offering students clinical internship experiences and professional mentorship. Seeing it as an opportunity to resolve her doubts and increase her chances of being admitted to higher-ranking universities, her father enrolled her in the program.

During the shadowing process, she gained in-depth knowledge of a physical therapist's daily duties, including assessing patients, developing treatment plans, and guiding patients through rehabilitation exercises. Though challenging, she found the work meaningful. Throughout this period, Jessie had the opportunity to ask many questions, particularly about her concerns. After completing the shadowing program, her determination to become a physical therapist was strengthened.

When preparing her personal statement, Jessie tried writing it herself but felt it lacked persuasiveness. With her tutor's guidance, she realized many areas needed improvement. The tutor helped her reorganize her experiences volunteering in physical therapy, highlighting her passion and dedication to the field. During interview training, she learned how to showcase her strengths and effectively answer the interviewer's questions. For example, Ascent Prep tutors taught students how to answer common situational questions, such as:

  • What do you think are the basic professional ethics for a physical therapist?
  • How do you view the relationship between physical therapists and their patients?
  • How would you handle conflicts of interest with patients?

Ascent Prep tutors prepared students for these ethical questions and situational challenges to test their problem-solving abilities, such as:

  • How would you deal with a patient unwilling to cooperate with treatment?
  • How would you respond to an emergency during treatment?
  • How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals?

Ultimately, with Ascent Prep's assistance, Jessie was accepted into the Physical Therapy program at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and also received offers from the University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, Brunel University, and the University of Salford in the UK. Among these options, she chose the University of Birmingham and was awarded a scholarship for her outstanding performance.

This journey highlights the value of Ascent Prep, offering practical clinical experiences and professional guidance, enabling students to not only improve academically but also to find their direction in their future career paths.

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Sophie F.
Desire Subject Architecture
Programme Portfolio Guidance
Hours Attended 10

Sophie is a high school student from Hong Kong who has been passionate about architecture since she was young. She excelled academically and actively participated in various architecture-related activities, such as architectural model competitions and visits. However, as the time for further education approached, Sophie began to feel somewhat lost, due to her very high standards for herself. She knew that to gain admission into architecture programs at prestigious universities like Cambridge or UCL, she needed not only excellent academic grades but also well-rounded abilities and creativity.

By chance, Sophie attended a lecture by Ascent Prep, where the instructors shared their experiences in helping students gain admission to top universities. Ascent Prep introduced her to a mentor who was studying architecture at Cambridge. The mentorship and classes were designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encouraged Sophie to think critically about the core of architectural studies, enriching her personal statement with diverse elements. In these classes, Sophie learned about architectural history, theory, and design. Her tutor explained complex concepts in an engaging way, making it easy for Sophie to understand.

For instance, during a mock interview, Sophie encountered a challenging question: "What do you think are the professional ethics of an architect?" She had never considered this question before, but with her tutor's guidance, she was able to articulate a well-thought-out answer, boosting her confidence for the actual interview.

The art portfolio is a critical component of university applications, and Sophie's tutor helped her create a portfolio that was both deep and creative. The tutor meticulously guided her through the selection and arrangement of her works, covering her academic research, practical experience, and personal interests. Under the tutor's guidance, Sophie revised her portfolio multiple times, resulting in an impressive collection of work.

Sophie's efforts were rewarded when she was accepted into the Architecture program at the University of Cambridge. Her portfolio showcased her unique understanding of architecture, including a sustainable design proposal that received high praise from her tutor. Moreover, Sophie performed excellently in her university interviews, demonstrating her academic abilities and personal charm.

Sophie's success story is a testament to the effectiveness of the Ascent Prep program, which is dedicated to helping students realize their potential and achieve success in their educational pursuits.

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Andy M.
Desire Subject AEAS
Programme Official AEAS Test Preparation Course
Hours Attended 30

Andy attended a local Hong Kong secondary school. Despite having average grades at school, he has always been afraid of English, to the point of hesitating to speak it. Andy is a typical slow starter; when under pressure, he easily feels overwhelmed. This became even more evident after he took the AEAS test unprepared, resulting in scores far below expectations. The AEAS report recommended Andy to undertake an English course for 20-30 weeks, and the substantial cost of attending a 30-week language course in Australia, including tuition, accommodation, and student insurance, caused considerable concern for his parents. Not only were they considering the dual factors of time and finances, but they also hoped that Andy could have more opportunities to apply to his desired schools. That's when they found us, the only official preparatory course institution recognized by AEAS. In the 1-on-1 courses at Ascent Prep, students receive meticulous instruction from teachers and consultants, improving their English skills and gradually overcoming their fear of English. To the parents' surprise, the child performed excellently in the AEAS test. By achieving good results in Hong Kong, the AEAS report reduced the required language class from 30 weeks to just 4 weeks before entering mainstream schools in Australia. This not only saved money but also allowed the child to integrate into the Australian mainstream education system sooner.

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